
Sara Davidmann is a multi award-winning artist/photographer. For 14 years (1999-2013) Sara took photographs and carried out oral history recordings in collaboration with people from UK transgender and queer communities. Self-representation, trans relationships and families were a focus of this work.

For over a decade (2011- ) Sara’s work has focused on her own family. This work has achieved considerable national and international recognition. It has been exhibited in Berlin, Victoria B.C., Mumbai, London, Liverpool, and Belfast, and it was the focus of three events at the Victoria & Albert Museum.

Sara’s artworks are regularly published in books and journal articles. She has received numerous awards for her work including a Philip Leverhulme Prize, a Fulbright Hays Scholarship, four Arts and Humanities Research Council awards, an Association of Commonwealth Universities Fellowship and a Wellcome Trust grant. She has a PhD in Photography from London College of Communication, University of the Arts London.